Radiologic Technology
AAS = Associate of Applied Science | 21 months (Six Semesters)

The application deadline is March 1.

Radiologic technologists are critical to diagnosing a patient. It is their ability to capture images of the body that can lead to finding the source of an illness or injury. In this program, students are able to work with imaging equipment to take x-rays and even enhance their training with a mannequin with bones.

After only 21 months, students in this program will receive an associate of applied science degree and be eligible to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Examination for Radiographers. This examination certifies the applicant as a Registered Technologist, RT (R), ARRT.

Prospective students must submit a North Arkansas College application as well as a radiologic technology program application by March 1. Only applicants who have completed or have in progress BIOL 2214 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIOL 2224 Anatomy & Physiology II, and CP 0933, MAT 1011 and MAT 1012 (or a higher level of mathematics) will be considered. Students are required to maintain a minimum grade of “C” in each course required in the entire radiologic technology program curriculum. An overall GPA of 2.0 is required for admission into the program and for graduation.

The radiography program is accredited by the
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
The program’s current award is 8 years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here:

* Immunizations and CPR training are not required before acceptance into the program.

Mission Statement

The Radiologic Technology Program was established to provide qualified radiologic technologists for an expanding medical field. Through didactic learning, laboratory preparation, and clinical experiences, the students develop professional knowledge, ethical patient care and technical skills. The students will be prepared as entry level radiographers with the potential of advancing their education and professional careers. 


You must submit a general bg真人游戏注册 admissions application AND a health professions application to be considered for the program.

Transfer or Stackable Options

bg真人游戏注册 has partnerships with Cox College and University of Arkansas-Fort Smith. See advisors for additional information about those programs and additional credits required for entry to complete a bachelor's of science degree.

Program Goals

Goal 1: Students will demonstrate clinical competency.
Outcome: 1:1: Students will demonstrate proper positioning skills.
Outcome: 1.2:  Students will utilize safe radiation protection methods when using ionizing radiation.

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicat effectively.
Outcome: 2.1: Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills.
Outcome: 2.2: Students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills. 

Goal 3: Students will develop and apply effective critical thinking skills.
Outcome: 3.1: Students will adjust positioning and procedure protocol for trauma patients (non-routine).
Outcome: 3.2 Students will accurately evaluate radiographic images for optimal quality.

Goal 4: Students will be professional and competent entry-level technologist upon graduation.
Outcome: 4.1: Students will complete the program with competency in required exams upon graduation.
Outcome: 4.2: Students will demonstrate professional responsibility in the working environment.

Licensure & Certification

Graduates of the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Radiologic Technology can apply for licensure in Arkansas. According to the ASRT website, the state of Missouri does not require a state license at this time. We are unsure of licensure requirements in other states.
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